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Total (tax incl.): €0.00
    Simple wedding invitation Scrap'n'Design Card Making 4,90 €
    • Simple wedding invitation Scrap'n'Design Card Making 4,90 €
    • Simple wedding invitation Scrap'n'Design Card Making 4,90 €

    Simple wedding invitation


    Simple wedding invitation template, cut out on two-sided colored scrapbooking paper, text provided on iridescent paper, with ribbon attached.

    Last items in stock

    The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 10.

    Last time this product was added to a cart: 05/24/2019

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    Do you have a creative project for printing and / or custom cutting or on a particular medium? Let your imagination speak with a party that resembles you, loaded with Love, History, Memories. We support you in your project and create for you and according to your desires, the product that will announce your event with style. A multitude of possibilities, textures, colors, inks, charms, ribbons, cuts, embossing, etc ... Contact us and we will see together what best suits your expectations and your budget.

    The price displayed is given as an indication, to 1 share, it includes models, it is calculated according to the quantity, the materials used and the time of realization.

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