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    Round glass dragees boxes customizable Scrap'n'Design More 7,90 €
    • Round glass dragees boxes customizable Scrap'n'Design More 7,90 €
    • Round glass dragees boxes customizable Scrap'n'Design More 7,90 €
    • Round glass dragees boxes customizable Scrap'n'Design More 7,90 €
    • Round glass dragees boxes customizable Scrap'n'Design More 7,90 €

    Round glass dragees boxes customizable


    Round glass dragees boxes customizable

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    This glass jar and cork has been made for a baptism on the theme of the mad hatter Alice in Wonderland, on the shades of green, purple and blue, there was added a color capsule bronze with dome photo by a specific gel, a token with the cat cheeshire under glass, a label and ribbons complete the creation, the capacity is 6 to 8 dragees according to the dragees chosen, the price here is indicative and corresponds to the Product ends with dragees of various colors and flavors. Please contact us for any inquiries. We can realize many types of boxes for the dragees for all kinds of occasions, Communion, Baptism, bar mitzvah, Baby-shower, Anniversary, Birth, Wedding ...

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