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Total (tax incl.): €0.00
    Brush Pack Butterfly 01 Scrap'n'Design Psd Brushes 3,99 €
    • Brush Pack Butterfly 01 Scrap'n'Design Psd Brushes 3,99 €
    • Brush Pack Butterfly 01 Scrap'n'Design Psd Brushes 3,99 €

    Brush Pack Butterfly 01


    Scrap'n'Design's Brush Butterfly collection is made up of 30 "brushes" in the form of a downloadable ABR file, for personal use.

    For any commercial use please contact us.

    Once you have received the zip file, open it and and recover the ABR file (s), go to your pc's browser and follow this type of address: "C: / Program Files (x86) / Adobe / YOUR VERSION OF PHOTOSHOP / PresetsBrushes "and place your files in the folder. Your Brush are now available in photoshop. For any info please contact us or watch the tutorial here.

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    Symbol of lightness and delicacy, the butterfly evokes grace and curiosity.Scrap'n'Design's Brush Butterfly collection is made up of 30 "brushes" in the form of a downloadable ABR file, for personal use.

    For any commercial use please contact us. Once you have received the zip file, open it and and recover the ABR file (s), go to your pc's browser and follow this type of address: "C: Program Files (x86) AdobeAdobe YOUR VERSION FROM PHOTOSHOPPresetsBrushes "and place your files in the folder. Your Brush are now available in photoshop. For any info please contact us or watch the tutorial here.

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